Low Fat Cookie Recipes

Applesauce Brownies, Chocolate Amaretti, Apricot Oatmeal…

These low fat cookie recipes use fruit purees, healthy nut oils or unsaturated vegetable oil to substitute for up to 75% of the required fats.

After all, our body does need some fat to optimally function. Fortunately, when it comes to baking homemade cookies, a little fat can really make a big difference in flavor and texture.

Acceptable substitutes for saturated fats include fruit purees, mashed bananas, applesauce, canned pumpkin. Prune puree, especially, has a high amount of pectin, a dietary fiber. Pectin is helpful for two reasons:

  • It shortens long strands of gluten similar to fat does
  • It assists in leavening cookie dough by trapping air when creamed with sugar

You can easily make your own prune puree by processing 1½ cups of prunes with ½ cup of hot water. Refrigerate it in an airtight container.

The following low fat cookie recipes are great additions to any collection.